Tuesday, August 21, 2007

One of The Best Cold Sore Remedies: Don’t Share Your Makeup!

Cold sores are extremely contagious and one of the dumbest things you can do is share your makeup. I know that most people have more common sense than that, but there are women who don’t mind sharing lipstick.

I cannot think of anything more disgusting.

Cold sores are spread by the herpes simplex virus and can be carried from person to person via makeup, toothpaste, and toothbrushes. Putting your hands and fingers in your mouth also leads to cold sore breakouts.

So, one of the best cold sore remedies is to not share any makeup. That includes mascara and liquid makeup that can cause other health problems including conjunctivitis, blemishes, and clogged tear glands.

To discover cold sore remedies that get rid of cold sores in 3 days, go to: Cold Sore Remedies In 3 Days.

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Mike Davidson said...
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