Monday, August 20, 2007

Cold Sore Remedies That’ll Titillate Your Taste Buds

If you’re looking for natural cold sore remedies that either treat or prevent the humiliating onslaught of cold sores, you need not look further than your kitchen or grocery store. Believe it or not, there are cold sore remedies that don’t require getting a prescription from a doctor’s office or standing in line at the pharmacy.

You see, I’ve been looking for cold sore remedies since I was in sixth grade. At that time, I had a cold sore case that was so bad that I was out of school for almost a week. I couldn’t eat anything solid because every time I opened my mouth, my scarred lips burned with excruciating pain.

When I did return to school, I had scabs on my lips for a couple weeks. It was horrible. Since then, I’ve tried a bunch of cold sore remedies that were nothing but placebo drugs from the doctor. Well, I might be going too far with that statement, but the cold sore remedies the doc prescribed might as well have been Flintstones vitamins.

Here’s one I discovered: Arginine. If you hearken back to your chemistry class in 11th grade, you’ll remember that this is an amino acid. Believe it or not, arginine is one of the best cold sore remedies you can get.

Best part? Arginine is found in some of the tastiest cold sore remedies including nuts such as peanuts, walnuts, almonds, and sunflower seeds. Heck, you should be eating these cold sore remedies anyway since they contain “good fats” that can raise your HDL cholesterol.

But be careful: eating too many of these cold sore remedies can add inches to your waistline.

High levels of arginine are also found in, of all places, chocolate (just don’t eat too much or you’ll have different problems). You can also find arginine cold sore remedies that are much better for you such as grains. An example of these cold sore remedies are whole wheat and bran cereal.

So, if you suffer from cold sores that send your social life in a tailspin, then check out these cold sore remedies that stop cold sores from ruining your life.

One site that has a lot of great cold sore remedies is this one: Cold Sore Remedies: End Cold Sores In 3 Days! I haven't tried it, but a buddy of mine told me it works!

(I just wish I knew about these cold sore remedies before I wanted to ask Jenny, my middle school crush, out to the after-school dance!)

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Mike Davidson said...
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